Gilgamesh by Unknown
Gilgamesh by Unknown

Gilgamesh by Unknown Gilgamesh by Unknown

The reason this source is historically significant is due to the fact that it was one of the earliest existing pieces of literature, as well as its depiction of how the Sumerians did not believe in the afterlife. This narration of Gilgamesh’s failure also embodies the Sumerian people’s conception of Sumeria’s past. Despite his desperation to possess everlasting life, Gilgamesh fails to make use of the two opportunities presented to him by Utnapishtim to do so, therefore being unable to achieve immortality in the end. GET ORIGINAL PAPER As this primary source is titled ‘the Epic of Gilgamesh’, it is an epic poem about Gilgamesh, who was a part real-part mythological king of Uruk, and his quest to achieve immortality.

Gilgamesh by Unknown

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Gilgamesh by Unknown