Wood's Russian leg would take him from Calais to Stavropol via St Petersburg and he would drink more vodka than was definitely healthy for him, but as they approached Georgia, the first of the Caucasus countries Jon decided to head home., with the ominous message that he didn't want to hear about Levison on Al Jazeera. His companion in Russia was Jon Winfield, a friend who shared a love of the open road too. His budget of £750 was stretching the definition of shoestring fairly thin, especially as he was hoping to fly home rather than hitchhike back again. This book told the tale of Arthur Conolly who in 1839 tried to see if it was still possible to travel along this legendary road. He was inspired to follow this route after finding a book called the Great Game in the library whilst he should have been researching something else. Which is why he found himself at the age of 22 setting off a journey to hitch-hike from Nottingham across Russia with a friend, before heading south alone to follow the route taken by people for millennia, the Silk Road. Wood wrote back to say thank you and to ask about a career in the services a reply was swiftly forthcoming with six pages of notes that detailed recommendations and suggestions to optimise his chances of getting in and the final sentence was the recommendation above all, travel… Having snuck into Alton Towers to save some cash, Levison Wood then lost his wallet with all his money in… Dismayed and penniless, he was shocked, to say the least when it dropped on his doormat with a note from the army officer who had found it. Sometimes it is the little things in life that make the biggest differences.